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    PS2652L2 Price and Stock

    NEC Electronics Group PS2652L2-K

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    Bristol Electronics PS2652L2-K 3,050
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    NEC Electronics Group PS2652L2-M

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics PS2652L2-M 1,207
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    PS2652L2 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    PS2652L2 NEC Long creepage type high isolation voltage optocoupler. Gull-wing Original PDF

    PS2652L2 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: PS2652 6 pin Optocoupler phototransistor microwaves PS2651 PS2651L2 PS2652L2 ps2651-1
    Text: PS2651 PS2651L2 PS2652 PS2652L2 LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6 PIN OPTOCOUPLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE BV: 5 k Vr.m.s. MIN PS2651and PS2652 are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor

    PS2651 PS2651L2 PS2652 PS2652L2 PS2651and PS2652 PS2651 PS2651L2 PS2652L2 ps2651a 6 pin Optocoupler phototransistor microwaves ps2651-1 PDF


    Abstract: BS7002 PS2651 PS2651L2 PS2652 PS2652L2 E69-89 lc227
    Text: DATA SHEET PHOTOCOUPLERS PS2651, PS2652, PS2651L2, PS2652L2 LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6 PIN PHOTOCOUPLER DESCRIPTION PS2651, PS2652 are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor in a plastic DIP Dual In-line Package .

    PS2651, PS2652, PS2651L2, PS2652L2 PS2652 PS2651 PS2652L2 BS415 BS7002 PS2651L2 E69-89 lc227 PDF


    Abstract: PS2562L2 PS2651 PS2651L2 PS2652L2 VDE0884 PS2652V
    Text: DATA SHEET PHOTOCOUPLER PS2651,PS2652,PS2651L2,PS2652L2 LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6-PIN PHOTOCOUPLER −NEPOC TM Series− DESCRIPTION The PS2651, PS2652, PS2651L2, PS2562L2 are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light emitting diode

    PS2651 PS2652 PS2651L2 PS2652L2 PS2651, PS2652, PS2651L2, PS2562L2 PS2652L2 VDE0884 PS2652V PDF


    Abstract: PS2651L2 PS2652 PS2652L2 VDE0884 PS2562L2 PS2652-V
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: optocoupler substitute book 1KTN1 PS250X-1 PS2501 optocoupler PS250XL-4 6 pins IC cbe simple phototransistor optocoupler reverse parallel Optocoupler with CTR 300-600
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories Optocoupler Applications DESIGNING FOR OPTOCOUPLERS WITH BASE PIN Optocouplers optical couplers are designed to isolate electrical output from input for complete elimination of noise. They have been used conventionally as substitutes for relays and pulse transformers. Today's current technology in


    PS2601 equivalent

    Abstract: PS2501 optocoupler NEC PS2601 optocoupler bi-directional PS2500 optocoupler CTR CAPACITOR DATASHEET led phototransistor pairs without optocoupler simple phototransistor PS2602L PS2603L
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories Optocoupler Applications DESIGNING FOR OPTOCOUPLERS WITH BASE PIN GENERAL Optocouplers optical couplers are designed to isolate electrical output from input for complete elimination of noise. They have been used conventionally as substitutes for relays and pulse transformers. Today's current technology in the area of microcomputers creates new applications for optocouplers.

    PS2600 24-Hour PS2601 equivalent PS2501 optocoupler NEC PS2601 optocoupler bi-directional PS2500 optocoupler CTR CAPACITOR DATASHEET led phototransistor pairs without optocoupler simple phototransistor PS2602L PS2603L PDF

    NEC 2561 OPTO

    Abstract: NEC 2501 2561 opto NEC 10F triac 2581 OPTO NEC 2581 NEC 2532 NEC 2505 NEC 2701 NEC 2561
    Text: TM NEPOC SERIES PHOTOCOUPLER SELECTION GUIDE September 2000 [MEMO] 2 Selection Guide P10419EJCV0SG00 CAUTION Within this device there exits GaAs Gallium Arsenide material which is a harmful substance if ingested. Please do not under any circumstances break the

    P10419EJCV0SG00 NEC 2561 OPTO NEC 2501 2561 opto NEC 10F triac 2581 OPTO NEC 2581 NEC 2532 NEC 2505 NEC 2701 NEC 2561 PDF


    Abstract: transistor IR 652 P
    Text: LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6 PIN OPTOCOUPLER PS2651 PS2652L2 FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION_ • PS2651and PS2652 are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor

    OCR Scan
    PS2651 PS2652L2 PS2651and PS2652 PS2651 PS2651L2 PS2652L2 ps2651a transistor IR 652 P PDF

    nec fo 134

    Abstract: B102F
    Text: DATA SHEET PHOTOCOUPLERS PS2651, PS2652, PS2651L2, PS2652L2 LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6 PIN PHOTOCOUPLER DESCRIPTION P S2651, PS2652 are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light emitting diode and an NPN silicon photo­ transistor in a plastic DIP Dual In-line Package .

    OCR Scan
    PS2651, PS2652, PS2651L2, PS2652L2 S2651, PS2652 PS2651 PS2652L2 nec fo 134 B102F PDF

    6-pin optocoupler

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6 PIN OPTOCOUPLER PS2651 PS2652L2 FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION_ • PS2651 and PS2652 are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor

    OCR Scan
    PS2651 PS2652L2 PS2651 PS2652 PS2651L2 PS2652L2 PS2651, PS2652, 6-pin optocoupler PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC PHOTOCOUPLER PS2651 ,PS2652,PS2651 L2.PS2652L2 LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6-PIN PHOTOCOUPLER -N E P O C S e rie s - DESCRIPTION T he P S 2 6 5 1 , P S 2652, P S 2651L2, P S 2 562 L2 are o p tica lly co u p le d iso lato rs co n ta in in g a G a A s light em ittin g diod e

    OCR Scan
    PS2651 PS2652 PS2651 PS2652L2 2651L2, PDF

    nec 2651

    Abstract: ps2651-1
    Text: DATA SHEET N E C PHOTO COUPLERS P S 2651 9 PS2652 P S 2651L2, PS2652L2 ELECTRON DEVICE LONG CREEPAGE TYPE HIGH ISOLATION VOLTAGE 6 P IN PHOTO COUPLER D E S C R IP T IO N P S 2651, PS2652 are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light em itting diode and an NPN silicon photo-transistor in a plastic D IP Dual

    OCR Scan
    PS2652 2651L2, PS2652L2 PS2651 PS2652L2 nec 2651 ps2651-1 PDF


    Abstract: PS2705-4 PS8701 PS2701-1-E3 PS2705-1-E3 PS8701-E3 PS2741 PS2533
    Text: O PTO CO UPLERS 4 Pin based Multi-channel DIP 4 to 16 pin 4 pin ba sed M ulti-channel D IP (4 to 16 pin) T aping O ption L1 / L 2 :1 channel only PS2501-1/2/4 PS2501 L-1/2/4 If i PS2561-1/2 P S 2 5 0 1 L -1 |^ 4 PS 2501L-2-E 3 /E 4 PS2S61 L /L 1 /L 2 -1 -E ^ E 4

    OCR Scan
    PS2501-1/2/4 PS2501 PS2561-1/2 PS2581L1-E3/E4 PS2581L2-E3/E4 2501L-2-E PS2S61 2561L 2502L-1-E PS2502-1/2/4 PS2705-4 PS8701 PS2701-1-E3 PS2705-1-E3 PS8701-E3 PS2741 PS2533 PDF


    Abstract: BS41 PS2521 PS2533 PS2705-4 PS2701-4
    Text: 5. CTR R AN K TA B LE 1 TEST CO NDITION S TYPE No. R A N K T A B LE CTR (%) NOTE Ip Im A) PS1001 e <V) N 20 K 300 to 600 m u lti type surface m ount type L 200 to 400 PS2501-1 M 80 to 240 PS2501 L-1 D 100 to 300 H 80 to 160 W 130 to 260 30 20 Vc 5 5 5 CAN Type

    OCR Scan
    PS1001 PS2501-1 PS2501 E72422 PS2501-2 PS2501-3 PS2501-4 BS41 PS2521 PS2533 PS2705-4 PS2701-4 PDF


    Abstract: PS2701-4
    Text: 6 Pin DIP Type Part Number* Pin Connection Features Absolute Maximum Ratings BV Vr.m.s. If (mA) Electrical Characteristics Fax Document Number Ic (mA) CTR (%) tr, t f ( js ) 50 80 to 600 (RL= 100 £2) 200 to 100, 100 200 3400 (RL = 100 Q) 50 80 to 600 (RL = 100 ii)

    OCR Scan
    PS2601 PS2601L PS2602 PS2602L PS2603 PS2603L PS2604 PS2604L PS2605 PS2605L PS2705-4 PS2701-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4.3 Standard-6 Pin DIP Type A B S O L U T E M A X IM U M R A T IN G S T Y P E No. PIN CO NNECTIO N BV S X PS2601L r*i 'F mAl high V C E o PS2602L X T 'C (mAl CTR 50 80 to 600 200 200 to 50 80 to 600 (% tr, tf 1 -t- SION ( ms) high isolation voltage (80 V: MIN.)

    OCR Scan
    PS2601 PS2601L PS2602 PS2602L PS2603 PS2603L PS2604 PS2604L PS2605 PS2605L PDF