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    MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR H2A Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1943 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-230 V / IC=-15 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=-3.0 V / TO-3P(L) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA012 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-80 V / IC=-4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=-0.22 V / tf=35 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA004B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-160 V / IC=-1.5 A / hFE=140~280 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / TO-126N Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2070 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-1 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.20V / tf=90 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR H2A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: amplifier circuit using 2sa1943 and 2sc5200 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR Wf A06 smd transistor TTA1943 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a 2sC5200, 2SA1943, 2sc5198 2SA1941 amp circuit 2SC3303 TTA006B
    Text: Semiconductor Catalog Mar. 2014 Bipolar Power Transistors SEMICONDUCTOR & STORAGE PRODUCTS h t t p : // w w w. s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o. j p / e n g Toshiba Bipolar Power Transistors Thank you for purchasing Toshiba semiconductor products. Semiconductor products are used in a wide range of fields, including


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    Abstract: 247Y smd transistor h2a gt30g122 gt35j321 GT45F123 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT45F122 GT45f122 Series gt30f122
    Text: Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors z 190 Small-Signal FETs z 205 Combination Products of Different Type Devices z 215 Bipolar Power Transistors z 217 Power MOSFETs z 232 Power Transistor Modules z 242 Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors z 243

    SC-43) 2SC1815 TPS615 TPS616 TPS610 transistor bc 245 247Y smd transistor h2a gt30g122 gt35j321 GT45F123 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT45F122 GT45f122 Series gt30f122 PDF

    2SA1941 amp circuit

    Abstract: 2SC3303 2SD880 TO3P package 2SA114 smd transistor h2a 2sb834 amplifier circuit using 2sa1943 and 2sc5200 TOSHIBA BIPOLAR POWER TRANSISTOR amplifier design tta1943
    Text: Semiconductor Catalog Mar. 2013 Bipolar Power Transistors SEMICONDUCTOR & STORAGE PRODUCTS Toshiba Bipolar Power Transistors Thank you for purchasing Toshiba semiconductor products. Semiconductor products are used in a wide range of fields, including

    BCE0016F 2SA1941 amp circuit 2SC3303 2SD880 TO3P package 2SA114 smd transistor h2a 2sb834 amplifier circuit using 2sa1943 and 2sc5200 TOSHIBA BIPOLAR POWER TRANSISTOR amplifier design tta1943 PDF


    Abstract: smd transistor h2a gt45f122 TPCP8R01 GT30F123 2sc1815 smd type smd marking 8L01 h2a smd 2SC5471 2sc5200 amplifiers circuit diagram
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

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    Abstract: TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    2010/9SCE0004K SC-43) 2SC1815 700the GT30F124 TPCP8R01 GT30J124 JAPANESE 2SC TRANSISTOR 2010 smd transistor h2a smd marking 8L01 tk25e06k3 GT45F122 gt30g124 GT30F123 PDF

    2sC5200, 2SA1943

    Abstract: 2SA1941 equivalent 2SC5353 equivalent 2sc5198 equivalent amplifier circuit using 2sa1943 and 2sc5200 2SC2383 equivalent tpcp8l01 2SA1962 equivalent 2SC4793 2sa1837 2sA1013 equivalent
    Text: 2011-4 PRODUCT GUIDE Power Transistors SEMICONDUCTOR h t t p : / / w w w . s e m i c o n . t o s h i b a . c o . j p / e n g Power Transistors for Audio Power Amplifiers Using a minute pattern and a high-density MET design, Toshiba has achieved high levels of current

    BCE0016D 2sC5200, 2SA1943 2SA1941 equivalent 2SC5353 equivalent 2sc5198 equivalent amplifier circuit using 2sa1943 and 2sc5200 2SC2383 equivalent tpcp8l01 2SA1962 equivalent 2SC4793 2sa1837 2sA1013 equivalent PDF

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    Abstract: SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN transistor smd H2A 2sa1943 amplifier circuit diagram TPCP8L01 2sC5200, 2SA1943 H2A transistor SMD 2sc5200 power amplifiers diagram MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a SMD H2A
    Text: 2008-9 PRODUCT GUIDE Power Transistors s e m i c o n d u c t o r h t tp://w w w.semico n .to shib a /en g Using a minute pattern and a high-density MET design, Toshiba has achieved high levels of current efficiency. Package type can be selected to yield collector power output

    BCE0016C E-28831 BCE0016D smd transistor h2a SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN transistor smd H2A 2sa1943 amplifier circuit diagram TPCP8L01 2sC5200, 2SA1943 H2A transistor SMD 2sc5200 power amplifiers diagram MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a SMD H2A PDF


    Abstract: GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR GENERAL CATALOG Transistors Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Junction FETs Combination Products of Different Type Devices MOSFETs Bipolar Power Transistors Radio-Frequency Bipolar Small-Signal Transistors Radio-Frequency Small-Signal FETs Radio-Frequency Power MOSFETs

    SCE0004L TTC4116* 2SC4118 TTA1586* 2SA1588 2SC4117 2SA1587 2SC5233 2SC4738 2SA1832 GT30F131 GT30F124 TK18A60V smd m5 transistor 6-pin SMD TRANSISTOR H2A NPN GT50N322 MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR h2a GT30J124 *30f124 TPCP8R01 PDF

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    Abstract: equivalent 2SC2655 2sc5858 2sC5200, 2SA1943 2sa1930 transistor equivalent 2SA1941 equivalent 2sc5570 zener diode SMD marking code 27 4F 2sc5200 audio amplifiers smd transistor h2a
    Text: 2003-8 BCE0016A PRODUCT GUIDE Power Transistors 2003 Toshiba Power Transistors Selection Guide by Function and Application Thank you for purchasing Toshiba semiconductor products. As you may already know, semiconductor products are used in a wide range of fields, both domestic and industrial.

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