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    ITT INTERMETALL DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    ITT INTERMETALL DIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    BD512 mosfet

    Abstract: itt transistoren Relais ITT halbleiterwerk transistor 2N 3055 ITT Intermetall Leuchtdiode CQY 40 transistor BD 522 schaltregler BD512
    Text: VMOS Transistoren Eigenschaften und Schaltungsbeispiele 6240-09-2 D INTERMETALL Halbleiterwerk der Deutsche ITT Industries GmbH VMOS-Transistoren Eigenschaften und Schaltungsbeispiele Zusammengestellt von folgenden Mitarbeitern der ITT Semiconductors Gruppe

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 1N5226S 1N5227S 1N5228S 1N5229S 1N5230S 1N5231S 1N5232S 1N5233S
    Text: ZENER DIODES ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL SDE D • 4bfl2711 ÜÜDES13 HTl miSI 1N5225S Series 300 mW Zener Diodes DO-34 Glass Package TA = 25 °C Type 1N5225S 1N5226S 1N5227S 1N5228S 1N5229S 1N5230S 1N5231S 1N5232S 1N5233S 1N5234S 1N5235S 1N5236S 1N5237S 1N5238S

    OCR Scan
    MbflE711 1N5225S DO-34 1N5226S 1N5227S 1N5228S 1N5229S 1N5230S 1N5231S 1N5232S 1N5233S PDF

    diode ITT

    Abstract: 1n4448 itt 1N4448 LL4448 QQQ317D
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL blE D • 4bfl2711 0ÜG31t.ô fibE * I S I LL4448 Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode fast switching diode in MiniMELF case especially suited for automatic insertion. Identical electrically to standard JEDEC 1N4448 K 3.510.1- Cathode Mark

    OCR Scan
    4bfl2711 LL4448 1N4448 4ba2711 diode ITT 1n4448 itt 1N4448 LL4448 QQQ317D PDF


    Abstract: ITT Intermetall
    Text: ITT SEP1IC0ND/ INTERMETALL 50E ]> • 4bfi2711 D0D2b5D E4T m i S I 'TOI-lOj BB629 Tuner Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Capacitance Diode in MiniMELF case MELF = Metal ELectrodes Face-bonding especially suited for automatic insertion with very high effective capacitance

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    Q02b5G BB629 BB629 ITT Intermetall PDF

    1n4148 ITT

    Abstract: 4148 itt LL4148 n4148 LL4148 dynamic resistance ITT DIODE LL4148-1 150D 1N4148
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL blE J> M Mbfl2711 0003152 4T5 M I S I LL4148 Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode fast switching diode in MiniMELF case especially suited for automatic insertion. Identical electrically to standard JEDEC 1N4148 I- 3.510.1-r Cathode M ark

    OCR Scan
    4bfl2711 LL4148 1N4148 DQQ31SS 1n4148 ITT 4148 itt LL4148 n4148 LL4148 dynamic resistance ITT DIODE LL4148-1 150D 1N4148 PDF

    diode 2U 88

    Abstract: 1N4446 150D LL4446 2u 45 diode 2U DIODE ITT G 91 35
    Text: ITT SEMICON] / INTERMETALL blE D • MbflB711 DDDBlbM 117 M I S I LL4446 Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode fast switching diode in MiniMELF case especially suited for automatic insertion. Identical electrically to standard JEDEC 1N4446 •Cathode Mark - 3 .5 ± 0.1

    OCR Scan
    MbflB711 LL4446 1N4446 HbflS711 Q0031b7 diode 2U 88 1N4446 150D LL4446 2u 45 diode 2U DIODE ITT G 91 35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZENER DIODES ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL SDE D • 4bfl2711 ÜÜDES13 HTl m i S I 1N5225S Series 300 mW Zener Diodes DO-34 Glass Package TA = 25 °C Type 1N5225S 1N5226S 1N5227S 1N5228S 1N5229S 1N5230S 1N5231S 1N5232S 1N5233S 1N5234S 1N5235S 1N5236S 1N5237S

    OCR Scan
    4bfl2711 DES13 N5225S DO-34 1N5225S 1N5226S 1N5227S 1N5228S 1N5229S 1N5230S 1N5241S PDF

    RTM 866 - 480

    Abstract: SAK 110 TAA775G ITT TCA 700 Y SAJ 220 SG 2368 ITT 90 38 TCA 700 Y SAJ110 TCA 430 taa790
    Text: Halbleiter­ bauelemente 1972/73 INTERMETALL H albleiterwerk der Deutsche ITT Industries GmbH ITT Alphabetisches Typenverzeichnis Typ S eite Typ S eite Typ Seite 1 N 914 42 2 N 3055 38 BB 121 1 N914A 1 N914B 1 N 3604 42 42 42 2 N 3962 33 BB 122 2 N 3963 2 N 3964

    OCR Scan
    N914A N914B RTM 866 - 480 SAK 110 TAA775G ITT TCA 700 Y SAJ 220 SG 2368 ITT 90 38 TCA 700 Y SAJ110 TCA 430 taa790 PDF

    CQY 26

    Abstract: TBA 2800 CQY 65 "Infrared Preamplifier"
    Text: » MICRONAS Edition April 25, 1994 6251-203-6DS INTERMETALL TBA 2800 Infrared Preamplifier 1C Bipolar integrated circuit, intended as a receiver preamplifier for Central Control Unit for the infrared remote-control sy­ stems designed with integrated circuits of ITT.

    OCR Scan
    6251-203-6DS 50-Hz-modulated CQY 26 TBA 2800 CQY 65 "Infrared Preamplifier" PDF


    Abstract: diode ITT itt diodes ITT DIODE 125 intermetall BB723 DDG3163
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL blE D • Mbfi2711 DDG3163 07=5 WËISI BB723 Tuner Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Capacitance Diode with very wide effective capacitance variation for tuning the VHF range 170 to 303 MHz and the hyperband range 303 to 463 MHz without switching.

    OCR Scan
    4bfi2711 DDG3163 BB723 4bfl2711 ITT DIODE diode ITT itt diodes ITT DIODE 125 intermetall BB723 PDF


    Abstract: 150D 1N4154 LL4154 itt 86 diode ITT
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL blE D • PDQ31bD 571 * I S I LL4154 Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode fast switching diode in MiniMELF case especially suited for automatic insertion. Identical electrically to standard JEDEC 1N4154 Cathode Mark - /rj j 0.3*0 1 These diodes are delivered taped.

    OCR Scan
    fl2711 PDQ31bD LL4154 1N4154 ITT DIODE 150D 1N4154 LL4154 itt 86 diode ITT PDF

    Zener ITT

    Abstract: 1N746 1N759 ZMM746 ZMM747 ZMM748 ZMM749 ZMM750 ZMM751 ZMM759
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL Mbê2711 DDOEbTH S71 5DE D USI ZMM746 . . ZMM759 Silicon Planar Zener Diodes in MiniMELF case especially suited for automatic insertion. Standard Zener voltage tolerance is ± 10%. Add sulfix “ A” for ± 5 % tolerance. Other tolerances, non standard and higher

    OCR Scan
    ZMM746 ZMM759 DO-35 1N746. 1N759. Zener ITT 1N746 1N759 ZMM746 ZMM747 ZMM748 ZMM749 ZMM750 ZMM751 ZMM759 PDF

    diode ITT 15

    Abstract: ITT DIODE itt diodes BB623 BB723 ITT Intermetall
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL oDDsmb a n m i s i SDE D BB623, BB723 Tuner Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Capacitance Diode with very wide effective capacitance variation for tuning the VHF range 170 to 303 MHz and the hyperband range 303 to 463 MHz without switching.

    OCR Scan
    BB623, BB723 diode ITT 15 ITT DIODE itt diodes BB623 BB723 ITT Intermetall PDF

    ITT BA159

    Abstract: diode ITT 157 ba ba159 ITT BA157 ba159 diode BA157 BA157 200 BA158 DIODE BA159 BA159 switching diode
    Text: ITT SEMICON»/ INTERMETALL 50E D 4bA2711 OODBMSS S74 M I S I 13 BA157 . BA159 Fast General Purpose Silicon Rectifiers for high speed switching applications, e. g. as clamping diode in colour TV receivers J * - max 3.2 islI f I Cathode Mark ^0.8 i> Plastic case

    OCR Scan
    4bfl2711 BA157 BA159 BA157 BA158 BA159 4b62711 BA157: ITT BA159 diode ITT 157 ba ITT BA157 ba159 diode BA157 200 DIODE BA159 BA159 switching diode PDF


    Abstract: marking CA ITT DIODE
    Text: ITT SEMICON] / INTERMETALL blE D • 4fc.62711 00D3175 TTE « I S I BB510 Tuner Diode Si Epitaxial Planar Capacitance Diode with very high effective capacitance ratio for tuning the whole MW range, especially in car receivers. i — r T tx -ÿ 04 I Id

    OCR Scan
    0D3175 BB510 O-236 100MHz BB510 marking CA ITT DIODE PDF


    Abstract: E711
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL blE D • mjfl5711 GGOaia? 714 M I S I BB729 Tuner Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Capacitance Diode with very wide effective capacitance variation for tuning the whole range of VHF CTV tuners. m a x 1.35 - T ”' r ^ r .1 -rmm 0 25

    OCR Scan
    BB729 QQQ31Ã BB729 E711 PDF


    Abstract: LL4150 LL4152 LL4153 LL4447 LL4449 LL4450 LL4451 LL4453 LL4454
    Text: ITT S E M I C O N D / INTERMETALL b lE » • 4bfl2711 0003172 2^3 m i S l Silicon Diodes Silicon Diodes for general purpose and switching Cathode Mark h - 3.5*01-» / - These diodes are identical electrically to the corresponding JEDEC 1N . . . types.

    OCR Scan
    4b62711 01--K LL4149 LL4150 LL4152 LL4153 LL4447 LL4449 LL4450 LL4451 LL4453 LL4454 PDF

    ZENER A23

    Abstract: B2X55 Zener diode 18 ITT Zener diode itt a23 zener Zener diode itt 150 V BZX 22 itt zener diode ITT 4.7 V Zener diode itt 150 BZX55
    Text: ITT SEHICOND/ INTERMETALL SDE t m 4biE711 0005451 531 « I S I r-ii-i 1 Silicon Planar Zener Diodes The Zener voltages are graded according to the international E 24 standard. Other voltage tolerances and higher Zener voltages on request. These types are also available to specification CECC 50.005.005

    OCR Scan
    4bflE711 002flSc1 BZX55 DO-35 Mbfl2711 DD02fltH ZENER A23 B2X55 Zener diode 18 ITT Zener diode itt a23 zener Zener diode itt 150 V BZX 22 itt zener diode ITT 4.7 V Zener diode itt 150 BZX55 PDF

    041 itt diode

    Abstract: 129 ITT itt SD101 ITT DIODE 041 LL101A ITT DIODE 129 ITT diode LL101 LL101B LL101C
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL blE D • Hbfl2711 OGOBIT? bb3 « I S I LL101A. . . LL101C Silicon Schottky Barrier Diodes for general purpose applications Cathode Mark 3.5 401 / u - The LL101 Series is a metal on silicon Schottky barrier device which is protected by a PN junction guard ring. The low forward

    OCR Scan
    HbflS711 LL101A. LL101C LL101 DO-35 SD101 LL101A LL101B LL101C 4bfl2711 041 itt diode 129 ITT itt SD101 ITT DIODE 041 ITT DIODE 129 ITT diode PDF

    zener 30v 0.5a

    Abstract: zener diode for 240v ac voltage
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL SOE D • Mbö2711 DQ03DS3 4S0 '' ' ■ ^ r *: -, *h Sotóstìtefl^l Features ■ E xtrem ely Sm all And Light W eight ■ Long Life And M aintenance Free ■ High Isolation ■ High Reliability, High Frequency Switching ■ Com plete Line-up

    OCR Scan
    DQ03DS3 E45026 265Vrm 1000MQ 2500Vrm zener 30v 0.5a zener diode for 240v ac voltage PDF


    Abstract: itt diodes ITT DIODE tv ITT DIODE 125 itt diodes 125 ITT diode DIODE ITT 12 diode ITT G0317 INTERMETALL
    Text: ITT SEIUCOND/ INTERMETALL hlE ] • 4bû2711 □G0317? Ô75 M I S I BB701 Tuner Diode Si Epitaxial Planar Capacitance Diode for tuning the fre­ quency range of 950 MHz to 1750 MHz, especially for satel­ lite TV tuner. These diodes are available as singles or as matched sets of

    OCR Scan
    G0317? BB701 Mbfl271] 00Q317Ã BB701 itt diodes ITT DIODE tv ITT DIODE 125 itt diodes 125 ITT diode DIODE ITT 12 diode ITT G0317 INTERMETALL PDF


    Abstract: ITT Intermetall BA243A
    Text: ITT SEMICOND/ INTERMETALL SÜE D 4bûE711 DDGafiaT STI IISI T-cfM$ BA243A, BA244A Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode Switches for electronic bandswitching in radio and TV tuners in the frequency range of 50 . 1000 MHz. The dynamic forward resistance is constant and very small over a wide range of

    OCR Scan
    BA243A, BA244A 4bflE711 DO-35 BA243A BA244A ITT Intermetall PDF


    Abstract: E711
    Text: ITT SEniCOND/ INTERMETALL blE 3> • 4b02711 00031*51 145 « I S I BB731 Tuner Diode Silicon Epitaxial Planar Capacitance Diodes with very wide effective capacitance variation for tuning the VHF range 41 to 170 MHz in hyperband television tuners. These diodes are available as singles or as matched sets of

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    BB731 BB731 E711 PDF


    Abstract: SD104A
    Text: ITT SEIUC0N5/ INTERMETALL 5GE I • M t S 2 7 H 00Q2t78 35R M I S I LL104A. . . LL104F 'T-' Small Signal Schottky Diodes for RF applications up to 1 GHz E I 3 Features: - CathodeMark h -3 .5 ‘ 0.1-n 0.3±0.1 low cost low capacitance glass hermetically sealed

    OCR Scan
    00Q2t78 LL104A. LL104F DO-35 SD104A SD104F. LL104, LL104A SD104A PDF